
David Speight Photography

ingleborough from simon fell at sunset

ingleborough from simon fell at sunset

Ingleborough Hill and grasses on Southerscales/Simon Fell, bathed in soft golden sidelight at sunset. Because of its' situation, it's difficult to capture Ingleborough from this side with any decent light hitting the hill from round about September onwards... Unless it's reflected back from the clouds. As it was late August, this was a last chance for that year to get a decent image. I'd already had a hard day with an early start to walk up Crummackdale and Moughton Scar with very little to show, so wasn't exactly bouncing with confidence. Luckily all came good at sunset as a nice thin bank of cloud rolled in and the last light of the day did a good job of warming up the foreground grasses and flanks of Ingleborough.

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